Self-Driving Car Accident Lawyer in Arizona
Self-driving vehicles represent the peak of automotive technology, one which, until recently, was not widely available to consumers and drivers. Despite modern technological advancements, however, manufacturers still cannot ensure the safety of automated vehicles.
Self-driving cars have already been involved in multiple collisions, including some that took lives. In fact, the first pedestrian death involving a self-driving car happened right here in Arizona. If you’ve suffered an accident that involved an autonomous vehicle, and you have been injured as a result, you may be able to recover compensation for your damages.
What Are Autonomous Vehicles?
An autonomous vehicle, according to Britannica, is “an automobile that employs driver assistance technologies to remove the need for a human operator.” Autonomous vehicles, also known as self-driving cars, are currently recognized as legal in Arizona and may use the state’s roads.
Do Autonomous Vehicles Carry Insurance And Follow Traffic Laws?
It is important to note and understand that autonomous vehicles must follow the same traffic laws and general rules of the road as other drivers. They also must carry the specific minimum insurance policies required to be carried by the state. This means the owner of the autonomous vehicle may be held responsible if they fail to follow traffic rules or other laws, whether it be due to driver error, lack of insurance, or negligent driving.
Liability in a Driverless Vehicle Accident in Arizona
Self-driving vehicle accidents have some unique factors when it comes to determining liability. Unlike most cases, which generally involve two drivers, a self-driving vehicle collision typically involves a driver against a machine. That fact presents great challenges in establishing liability for an accident.
Determining whether it was the self-driving technology, the human supervisor, the manufacturing company, or another party who caused the crash will take a thorough investigation.
There are various parties who may be liable for injuries in a self-driving vehicle accident:
- The vehicle maker. The company in charge of designing and producing the vehicle could be liable if it made an error that led to the accident. If defective software experienced a glitch and failed to detect a hazard, for example, the vehicle manufacturer could be at fault for a related accident. The same rings true if the vehicle’s design was inherently unsafe and dangerous or if the particular vehicle was manufactured in a faulty way that did not follow the design specifications.
- The driver. Most self-driving cars still require some input or supervision from a human operator. For example, the car may require that the driver take over when conditions are too dangerous for automated technology. Because humans are involved, human error behind the wheel of a self-driving car happens, and it may lead to that person’s liability for a crash. There are many different types.
- A third party. Several third parties could also bear fault for a self-driving car accident in Arizona. For example, a municipality, such as the City of Phoenix, may be liable for a road defect, a construction company may be liable for a dangerous work zone, or a self-driving technology company may be liable for a software malfunction.
Determining fault is necessary before you can proceed with a car accident claim in Arizona. Generally, a car accident case will involve a claim for negligence, where you will need to prove that the other party breached their duty of reasonable care on the road and that their actions directly caused your injuries.
Issues of negligence, liability, and damages are often difficult and can be very complex, particularly when dealing with novel areas of law and technology, such as autonomous vehicles. The law is ever-changing, and some of the intricate issues involved in self-driving car accidents continue to evolve.
It is also worth noting that Arizona is a fault-based insurance state, meaning the insurance company of the at-fault party will have to pay for the victims’ damages. While autonomous vehicle accidents may not yet be commonplace, they can cause serious injuries and damages. After a collision with a self-driving vehicle, it is important that you do not admit fault. Call the police for an investigation. Then, contact Gerber Injury Law for a discussion with an attorney about what to do next.
Recoverable Damages in a Self-Driving Vehicle Accident Claim
After an Arizona accident involving a self-driving vehicle, you may be facing significant monetary damages, and it is possible to recover compensation for your losses. Typically, in an Arizona car accident claim, you can recover your out-of-pocket expenses that resulted from the accident, such as:
- The costs of any hospital stay, doctor visits, and specialist visits
- The costs of your prescription medication
- Expenses related to medical testing, imaging, and care
- Post-accident expenses for therapy, rehabilitation, and nursing or home care
- Wages or income you’ve lost if you are unable to go to work after the accident
- The costs of repairing or replacing your vehicle
Additionally, you may be able to recover general damages, which are non-out-of-pocket losses that can be hard to quantify and will need to be valued with expertise in order to ensure that you receive a fair and reasonable settlement or verdict. The following are some examples:
- Pain and suffering
- Mental anguish and psychological trauma
- The loss of future wages if you are unable to work at all
- Damages for scarring or disfigurement
- The loss of enjoyment of activities that you can no longer do as a result of the accident
- Loss of companionship or consortium (for your spouse)
- Overall decline in the quality of your life
Call a Self-Driving Accident Attorney at Gerber
If you are the victim of an accident in Arizona involving self-driving vehicle technology, please contact Gerber Injury Law for a free consultation. We can help you seek justice.
What Sets Gerber Injury Law Apart?
- We use 100% of our law firm’s energy on personal injury law. We are a full-service law firm that exclusively handles personal injury and motor vehicle accident claims.
- We have more than 22 years of experience representing clients during car accident claims. We keep up with all the latest changes in car accident law, including self-driving vehicles.
- We have extensive trial experience. If an insurance company does not treat you fairly, we can go to trial in pursuit of maximum recovery. We have obtained more than $100 million for our clients.
When you sue a large company, such as the manufacturer of a self-driving vehicle or an insurance company, you are effectively going up against a behemoth with significant financial and legal resources. Contacting an Arizona attorney from Gerber Injury Law could give you what you need to match those you will have to face from the defendant’s side of the case. Rather than going up against a major insurance corporation alone, your lawyer will be there to represent your interests and guide you toward a fair and reasonable settlement offer.
Our attorneys will stand by your side every step of the way through all the tasks you will need to complete for a successful injury claim. We can guide you through a claim from the initial crash investigation to reaching a resolution.
Our auto accident lawyers are licensed to practice in every court in the State of Arizona. If your case needs to go to trial, we are prepared. We will work hard to obtain fair compensation for all your losses, including property damages, medical expenses, lost income, and non-economic damages. Start by requesting a free consultation with us after a driverless car accident.
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For bicyclist hit by car.