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Most Dangerous Intersection in Surprise

most dangerous intersection in Surprise

Intersections are some of the most common locations where car accidents happen. When vehicles approach an intersection in Surprise, a city in Maricopa County, from different directions, the likelihood of a collision is much greater than when cars travel in different lanes in opposite directions.

In an intersection, drivers must pay attention to the actions of other motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians and watch out for traffic signs and signals, notifying them when and where to proceed.

At times, accidents at Surprise intersections aren’t the fault of drivers but rather connected to the intersection design. Issues related to road markings, signs, and traffic signals can create conditions that make collisions more likely. In such cases, government entities may be liable.

If you were hurt in an intersection accident, you may sustain severe injuries, such as head trauma, broken bones, and whiplash. You may have to spend several days or weeks in the hospital. You may also have to see a physical therapist or chiropractor several times every week.

The injuries you sustain in the car wreck may prevent you from resuming work. It may take weeks or months before you are able to return to your job, and if you do, you may be unable to perform all the work-related tasks you did before the accident. If you sustain catastrophic injuries, you may be unable to work altogether.

You and your family may struggle to keep up with accident-related medical bills on top of your everyday household expenses without your income and benefits. If you can’t return to your former job, you may be trying to figure out the type of work you could do to support your family. All this could potentially take an unexpected toll on you, both emotionally and mentally.

So, if you sustain injuries at the most dangerous intersection in Surprise, AZ, a car accident lawyer may be able to help you seek a financial award to compensate you for the injuries and losses you’ve suffered. Gerber Injury Law has assisted many clients across Arizona who’ve sustained injuries in motor vehicle crashes due to a wide range of circumstances. Our Surprise car accident law firm has a talented legal team that can file an insurance claim or lawsuit on your behalf before Arizona’s two-year statute of limitations expires. Contact our office to discuss your case with a member of our reliable legal team.

What Are the Different Types of Intersections?

When driving on roads all over the U.S., there are various types of intersections you can come across, including:

  • Stop-controlled intersections. These include any conventional intersection where stop signs control approaches.
    • Minor road stop intersections. These intersections have stop signs controlling minor roads while major roads remain uncontrolled.
    • All-way stop intersections. Feature stop signs that control all approaches.
  • Traditional signalized intersections. They are the most familiar to road users, and they facilitate the most direct paths for bicyclists and pedestrians.
  • Roundabouts. These circular intersections allow counterclockwise traffic flow around an island.
  • Median U-turn intersections. Refer to intersections that substitute direct left turns with indirect left turns, which depend on a right turn or U-turn combination.
  • Restricted crossing U-turn intersections. Also known as RCUT intersections, these intersections replace left-turns from minor approaches with indirect right-turn movements or a U-turn combination.
  • Quadrant roadway intersections. Feature one main intersection and two auxiliary or secondary intersections. Left turns are typically displaced to a connector road in the main intersection’s quadrant.
  • Displaced left-turn intersections. These crossover-type intersections are used in high-volume signalized arterial intersections, particularly those with heavy left-turn volumes conflicting with heavy opposing through volumes.
  • Diverging diamond interchanges. Characterized by crossover intersections at ramp termini, they are suitable for situations with grade-separated interchanges.

If you are injured at any of the above types of intersections in Surprise, AZ, consider speaking with a car accident attorney to find out if you have the grounds to file a claim against the responsible party for damages.

What’s the Most Dangerous Intersection in Surprise?

Despite constant road safety improvements by state and federal agencies, Arizona’s road fatalities are a growing concern. According to the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), there were approximately 119,991 crashes in the state in 2022. ADOT points out that 1,294 people died due to motor vehicle crashes, and 52,411 were injured during the same year.

In Surprise, ADOT reports that there were a total of 1,884 crashes in 2022 that killed 16 people and injured 719 others. But where do most of these accidents happen? Is it at intersections? And what is the most dangerous intersection in Surprise?

According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), there were 11,799 traffic fatalities at intersections in the U.S. FHWA points out that 7,752 fatalities occurred at unsignalized intersections. In comparison, 4,047 fatalities occurred at signalized intersections.

While fatal collisions can occur anywhere in Arizona, some intersections in Maricopa County are particularly dangerous, including:

  • 99th Avenue and Lower Buckeye Road
  • 75th Avenue and Indian School Road
  • 67th Avenue and McDowell Road
  • 75th Avenue and McDowell Road
  • 35th Avenue and Glendale Avenue
  • 67th Avenue and Indian School Road
  • 51st Avenue and Camelback Road
  • 27th Avenue and Camelback Road
  • 43rd Avenue and Bethany Home Road
  • 51st Avenue and McDowell Road

The city of Surprise is located in Maricopa County. According to data from the Maricopa Association of Governments (MAG), the most dangerous intersection in Surprise is the Bell Road and Litchfield Road intersection. According to crash data from 2017 to 2021, 223 crashes occurred at this intersection. MAG also reported that the Bell Road and West Point Pkwy intersection in Surprise resulted in 145 accidents within the same period.

What Makes Intersection Accidents So Dangerous?

Intersection accidents in Arizona are often considered dangerous due to various factors that increase the risk and severity of crashes at intersections. Accounting for roughly one-quarter of traffic fatalities and roughly one-half of traffic injuries, intersections require increased caution and awareness from all road users. To this end, here are ten common reasons why Surprise intersections are so dangerous:

1. Converging Traffic

Intersections bring together vehicles traveling in various directions, increasing the likelihood of collisions. Cars from different directions must cruise through the same space where multiple roadways converge.

2. Different Speeds

Cars approaching the most dangerous intersection in Surprise might be traveling at different speeds. A vehicle stopping or decelerating at an intersection might be rear-ended by a vehicle at a higher speed, risking back and head injuries.

3. Distracted Driving

Arizona intersections require heightened cognitive engagement from motorists as they handle complex decisions, including monitoring pedestrians, assessing oncoming traffic, and responding to traffic signals.

Actions such as using GPS devices, texting, and adjusting the playlist can compromise one’s ability to focus on the road and significantly elevate the probability of an intersection accident.

4. Crossing Paths

Motor vehicles at the most dangerous intersection in Surprise often have to cross paths with vehicles coming from different directions. Crossing paths at intersections increases the risk of broadside or T-bone accidents, where the front of a vehicle strikes the side of another. These types of accidents can result in catastrophic injuries, particularly when the impact is on the vulnerable driver or passenger side.

5. Failure To Yield

Intersection accidents in Arizona often stem from the failure of drivers to yield the right of way, whether by neglecting stop signs, running red lights, or disregarding other traffic control devices. Such negligent actions can lead to high-speed crashes, emphasizing the need to adhere to traffic rules and respect the rights of other road users in Surprise and all over Arizona.

6. Limited Visibility

Certain intersections in Surprise pose visibility challenges to drivers and other road users due to surrounding structures, trees, and other obstructions. Limited visibility at an intersection can create a hazardous scenario, making it difficult for motorists to spot approaching cars, trucks, motorcycles, pedestrians, or other hazards.

In some instances, an intersection might have a traffic light and appropriate signage, but some objects make it impossible for one to see the traffic signals. For example, a hanging tree branch may block a traffic sign. A pole at an intersection may make it hard for drivers approaching from an angle to see a traffic light.

7. Angle of Impact

Many intersection accidents in Arizona occur at oblique angles, leading to direct impacts on the sides of motor vehicles. These angles typically lead to more serious injuries compared to head-on or rear-end accidents.

8. Traffic Patterns

Intersections often have intricate traffic patterns consisting of multiple lanes and merging points. This necessitates precise coordination from Surprise drivers, an understanding of right-of-way rules, and keen observation. Careless mistakes can lead to deadly car accidents.

9. Pedestrian and Cyclist Vulnerability

Pedestrians and cyclists in Surprise also use intersections. When a collision involves a vehicle and a non-motorist, the vulnerable road user risks sustaining severe injuries or even death, given the size and speed of the motor vehicle.

10. HighTraffic Volume

Intersections often experience high traffic volume since many roads from different directions converge at the same place. This congested environment increases the likelihood of car accidents.

A driver, passenger, motorcyclist, bicyclist, or pedestrian involved in an Arizona intersection accident might sustain severe injuries, such as:

  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Facial injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Neck or back injuries
  • Spinal cord trauma
  • Internal organ damage
  • Concussions
  • Amputations

Accident victims at the most dangerous intersection in Surprise can also die instantly during crashes or succumb later on due to their injuries. The personal injury lawyers at Gerber Injury Law believe drivers or agencies whose recklessness or negligence leads to crashes at intersections in Arizona should be held legally and financially accountable for their actions.

How To Protect Yourself at the Most Dangerous Intersection in Surprise, AZ

When you approach an intersection, there are certain steps you can take to avoid colliding with other motorists and non-motorists. It is important to remember that you can’t possibly control the actions of other drivers in Arizona. Knowing the accident risks at intersections and what to watch out for can help minimize your chances of being involved in a crash. Some of the driving behaviors that can lower your risk of getting into an intersection accident include:

  • Don’t speed through intersections, particularly when the traffic light is yellow. Speeding makes it harder to respond to sudden maneuvers by other drivers.
  • Maintain a safe distance between you and other cars. Don’t follow vehicles too closely to protect yourself if the driver in front of you applies brakes instantly or gets into an accident.
  • Be vigilant about your surroundings. Always be aware of other drivers, pedestrians, and other road users when approaching the most dangerous intersection in Surprise.
  • Be careful when entering intersections. When the traffic light turns green or yellow, many drivers speed. Always assume other drivers might not follow traffic rules.
  • Always use your signals. If you don’t signal appropriately when planning to turn at an intersection, another driver may not realize your intention, risking a collision.
  • Resist distractions. Don’t use your phone or adjust your GPS at an intersection. Keep your eyes on the road, looking to the sides and rear while approaching and passing an intersection. Always look in all directions.

Following these driving safety tips in Arizona can help reduce the risk of being involved in an intersection car wreck. Sometimes, however, auto crashes are unavoidable. If you have been hit at an intersection in Surprise, our trustworthy professionals can help you pursue fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

Call Gerber Injury Law Today for a Free Consultation

No matter how careful you are while driving, there’s always the risk of intersection car crashes. Reach out to our friendly, family-oriented firm today if you have been injured in an accident at the most dangerous intersection in Surprise due to someone else’s negligence. Dial 623-486-8300 or contact us online to schedule your free case review with our intersection accident attorneys.