What is Assumption of Risk in a Personal Injury Case?
If a person sustains an injury caused by the careless, negligent, or intentional actions of another individual or business, they will usually be able to recover compensation for their losses. However, what if the injury victim knowingly exposed themselves to the possibility of an injury? Here, we want to define “assumption of risk,” which is […]
Do I Need to Go to Court After an Auto Accident? | AZ
If you or somebody you care about has been injured in a car accident caused by the careless or negligent actions of another driver, then you are likely wondering how you can obtain compensation for your property damage and injury expenses. Most people involved in a car accident wonder about whether or not they will […]
Arizona ATV/OHV Laws – Gerber Injury Law
Operating an ATV can be an exhilarating experience. These vehicles are particularly useful when trying to reach off-road locations. ATVs have been increasing in popularity throughout Arizona. Unfortunately, accidents involving ATVs often result in severe injuries for riders and passengers. Even when ATV riders are wearing helmets and other protective gear, they are incredibly vulnerable […]
What Compensation Can I Recover For A No-Injury Car Accident?
Being involved in a vehicle accident can be a scary experience, particularly if there are any injuries. However, if you are in an accident when there are no injuries, it is likely that you will still be left with significant expenses. Even a relatively minor fender bender can result in significant property damage expenses. For […]
How Do Helmet Laws Affect Motorcycle Accident Cases?
Motorcycle helmets are the best way to prevent serious head and brain injuries in the event a person is involved in a motorcycle accident. However, the state of Arizona does not require all motorcyclists to wear a helmet. Any person 18 years of age or older does not have to wear a motorcycle helmet. Motorcyclists […]
What to Do if You Are Hit by a Commercial Truck in AZ
Large commercial trucks are incredibly important for the economy in Arizona. However, these vehicles can cause severe injuries in the event they collide with traditional passenger vehicles. In the aftermath of being involved in a collision with a commercial truck in Arizona, victims need to know what steps to take to ensure they receive the […]
Center Turning Lanes | Gerber Injury Law
Personal Injury Settlements | Gerber Injury Law
How Long Does It Take to Settle a Truck Accident Claim?
Crashes involving larger commercial trucks in Arizona often result in devastating injuries for those involved. It is crucial for any person injured due to the careless or negligent actions of a truck driver or trucking company to be able to recover compensation for their losses. Unfortunately, these claims are not often settled quickly. Here, we […]
Texting While Driving in Phoenix | Gerber Injury Law
Admit it! You’ve done it at least a few times… texting while driving. But you may not be able to do it much longer. It could soon be against the law in Arizona. A bill is working its way through the state legislature that would ban the practice. Arizona actually passed a bill last year […]
What Damages Are Available in a Wrongful Death Case?
If you have lost somebody you love due to the careless, negligent, or intentional actions of another individual, then you are undoubtedly going through a very difficult period in your life. Family members and the estate of the deceased in these cases are often able to recover compensation through a wrongful death lawsuit in Arizona. […]
Road Safety Tips for Holiday Traveling | Gerber Injury Law
Accident Injury Cases Phoenix | Gerber Injury Law
Arizona Personal Injury Attorneys | January 2023 Blog
Is There a Time Limit to File a Personal Injury Claim?
If you or somebody you care about has sustained an injury caused by the careless or negligent actions of another individual, business, or entity, you should be able to receive compensation for your losses. However, there are various factors that go into these claims, including deadlines that injury victims need to be aware of. These deadlines […]
What Are the Top Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer?
It is not uncommon for individuals to think they can handle their entire personal injury claim by themselves. However, it is crucial to understand that defendants in these cases (the at-fault party) along with their insurance carriers and legal teams, have more resources than you. Here, we want to discuss the top benefits of working […]
Evidence You Should Preserve After an Accident | Gerber Injury Law
If you or somebody you love has been involved in a vehicle accident caused by the careless or negligent actions of somebody else, then you are likely entitled to various types of compensation. However, securing this compensation is often not a straightforward process. These cases regularly require extensive investigation to uncover the evidence needed to prove liability. […]
Wrong Way Drivers | Gerber Injury Law
Gerber Injury Law | Articles Blog
What Are the Top 5 Causes of Car Accidents in Arizona?
Vehicle accidents are not uncommon throughout the state of Arizona. Anybody who gets behind the wheel of a vehicle knows this. How often do you pass by accidents either on the road or along the roadside? Whether or not you have been involved in an accident recently, would you want to take a guess at […]
Autonomous (Self Driving) Vehicle Statistics 2021
Motor vehicles that can drive themselves, also known as self-driving cars, autonomous vehicles, or AVs, are considered to be far safer than regular automobiles. However, the nagging issue remains, just how safe are autonomous vehicles at the moment? The short answer is we are not there yet. Regardless of the incredible time and effort going […]
Damages for Pain and Suffering in Truck Accident Cases
Accidents involving larger commercial trucks often result in devastating injuries for those inside traditional passenger vehicles throughout the state of Arizona. In most cases, victims will be able to recover compensation for their losses if the crash was caused by the careless or negligent actions of a truck driver or trucking company. Victims should be […]
How Is Liability Determined in an Auto Accident? | AZ
Being involved in a car accident can be a confusing and scary experience, particularly if you or a loved one have sustained any injuries. In the aftermath of a crash, it is crucial that liability be determined so that victims can secure compensation for their injuries, property damage, and other losses. However, determining liability after […]
How Much Is My Motorcycle Accident Claim Worth?
Motorcycle accidents can be terrifying, particularly for those who sustain injuries in the incidents. If a person sustains an injury in a motorcycle accident caused by the careless or negligent actions of another driver, they should be able to recover compensation for their losses. However, properly determining the value of a motorcycle accident claim can […]
Remote Control Helicopters Recalled Due to Fire Hazard
If you were thinking of purchasing a remote control helicopter for your son for his birthday, then you may want to re-think that idea. Recently, the Consumer Product Safety Commission recalled some of these helicopters because they had fire and burn hazards. The specific helicopters that were targeted in this recall were made by the […]